The Notary in Pinoso has asked me, once again, to remind everybody of the importance of making a Spanish will if you have money, goods or property here in Spain. Not having a Spanish will brings long-winded and expensive difficulties in arranging probate.
Wills relating to only your property in Spain can be arranged through any lawyer or, if the will is quite straightforward, directly from the Notary. At the moment, the Notary generally charges less than €100 to provide a registered Spanish will together with a translation into English. Lawyers will generally charge a great deal more.
If you wish to get a will from the Notary I can provide you with a form, in English, setting out the details that the Notary will need. At the time of signing, if your Spanish is not competent, you will need the services of a translator to satisfy the Notary that the contents of the will match your requirements.